Annika Dunaway

Imagine you’re navigating through a dense forest. You’ve got a map, but it’s not specifically for your route — it’s a general map that everyone uses. It shows paths that others have taken, but not necessarily the best path for you. This map is like industry benchmarks in business, particularly when evaluating message performance in CRM systems.

Industry benchmarks are tempting because they offer a sense of direction. They’re like the trail markers left by those who have walked the path before you. If you see that the average open rate for marketing emails in your industry is 20%, and your rate is at 25%, it feels good. You’re ahead of the game! But what does that really mean for you and your unique audience?

Why do we like to compare our results to benchmarks?

There’s a psychological reason why we’re drawn to benchmarks and comparisons. Humans are wired to seek validation and a sense of belonging. Comparing our business to industry benchmarks can make us feel like we’re on the right track, providing a sense of security. It’s comforting to know we’re at least doing as well as the average.

But honestly, who likes to settle for the average? Doing that and being comfortable with it can also be a trap. By focusing on industry averages, we may unconsciously lower our ambitions, settling for mediocrity rather than striving for excellence. We might think, “If I’m at or above the industry benchmark, I’m doing well,” when in reality, we could be missing opportunities to push beyond the average and achieve something truly exceptional.

The Danger of Benchmark Dependency

Other than settling for the average, there is another problem with relying too heavily on these benchmarks; they don’t account for the specifics of your business. Every company is different, just as every forest trail has its own twists and turns. Your audience, your message, your timing — these are unique to you. A 25% open rate might be excellent for one company, but for another, it might signal missed opportunities.

Benchmarks can create a false sense of security. If you’re meeting or exceeding industry averages, you might think you’re doing everything right. But what if you’re simply following the same well-trodden path as everyone else, missing out on better, more innovative routes that could lead to greater success? Like content or messages, you have never tried because best practices don’t tell you about them.

Have you ever wondered: How could one practice work for everyone?

Best practices are another popular guide, often touted as the best way to achieve success. But here’s the catch: what works for one company might not work for another, similar to the benchmarks. Imagine trying to follow the same diet as someone else without considering your own body’s needs. The same goes for businesses. Best practices are based on what has worked for others, not necessarily what will work for you.

For instance, a best practice might suggest sending emails at 9 AM on a Tuesday because that’s when most people open them. But your audience might be more engaged on Thursday evenings. Sticking rigidly to best practices might cause you to miss out on connecting with your audience at the right time.

Or consider the advice to keep marketing emails short and to the point, with a clear call to action. This works well for many companies because, generally, people have short attention spans. But what if your audience appreciates storytelling and deeper engagement? Perhaps you’re a company that sells eco-friendly products, and your customers care deeply about sustainability. They might prefer emails that tell the story behind each product — where the materials come from, who made them, and the impact on the environment. In this case, a longer, more detailed email might perform better. By sticking strictly to the “short and sweet” best practice, you could miss the chance to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Embrace Inspiration and Creativity

Here’s where the magic happens. Instead of being confined by industry benchmarks and best practices, let them inspire you to think creatively. Use them as a launching pad for experimentation. What are some ideas you’ve always wanted to try but held back because they didn’t fit the standard mold? This is your chance to innovate.

Nowadays, the end user receives thousands of emails a week in addition to other channels like push notifications. How can you cut through the noise by following best practices; by doing what everyone else does? Yours is just one of many messages that look and say the same and are sent at the same time. Easy to ignore by your users.

Maybe you’ve thought about sending a series of emails that gradually reveal a story. Or perhaps you’ve considered using a completely new tone or style in your messaging. Maybe there’s a new feature or product you want to introduce in a way that’s never been done before. These ideas might not align with what’s typically done in your industry, but that’s exactly why they could work.

When you step outside the boundaries of benchmarks and best practices, you open yourself up to the possibility of discovering what truly resonates with your audience. And when you find that sweet spot — where your creativity meets your customers’ preferences — that’s when you create something special. Something that not only performs well but also sets you apart from the competition.

Be brave. Go beyond standards. Be bold.

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Go beyond industry benchmarks and you might achieve something truly exceptional

Are you missing opportunities because you are too focused on industry benchmarks?

Imagine you’re navigating through a dense forest. You’ve got a map, but it’s not specifically for your route — it’s a general map that everyone uses. It shows paths that others have taken, but not necessarily the best path for you. This map is like industry benchmarks in business, particularly when evaluating message performance in CRM systems.

Industry benchmarks are tempting because they offer a sense of direction. They’re like the trail markers left by those who have walked the path before you. If you see that the average open rate for marketing emails in your industry is 20%, and your rate is at 25%, it feels good. You’re ahead of the game! But what does that really mean for you and your unique audience?

Why do we like to compare our results to benchmarks?

There’s a psychological reason why we’re drawn to benchmarks and comparisons. Humans are wired to seek validation and a sense of belonging. Comparing our business to industry benchmarks can make us feel like we’re on the right track, providing a sense of security. It’s comforting to know we’re at least doing as well as the average.

But honestly, who likes to settle for the average? Doing that and being comfortable with it can also be a trap. By focusing on industry averages, we may unconsciously lower our ambitions, settling for mediocrity rather than striving for excellence. We might think, “If I’m at or above the industry benchmark, I’m doing well,” when in reality, we could be missing opportunities to push beyond the average and achieve something truly exceptional.

The Danger of Benchmark Dependency

Other than settling for the average, there is another problem with relying too heavily on these benchmarks; they don’t account for the specifics of your business. Every company is different, just as every forest trail has its own twists and turns. Your audience, your message, your timing — these are unique to you. A 25% open rate might be excellent for one company, but for another, it might signal missed opportunities.

Benchmarks can create a false sense of security. If you’re meeting or exceeding industry averages, you might think you’re doing everything right. But what if you’re simply following the same well-trodden path as everyone else, missing out on better, more innovative routes that could lead to greater success? Like content or messages, you have never tried because best practices don’t tell you about them.

Have you ever wondered: How could one practice work for everyone?

Best practices are another popular guide, often touted as the best way to achieve success. But here’s the catch: what works for one company might not work for another, similar to the benchmarks. Imagine trying to follow the same diet as someone else without considering your own body’s needs. The same goes for businesses. Best practices are based on what has worked for others, not necessarily what will work for you.

For instance, a best practice might suggest sending emails at 9 AM on a Tuesday because that’s when most people open them. But your audience might be more engaged on Thursday evenings. Sticking rigidly to best practices might cause you to miss out on connecting with your audience at the right time.

Or consider the advice to keep marketing emails short and to the point, with a clear call to action. This works well for many companies because, generally, people have short attention spans. But what if your audience appreciates storytelling and deeper engagement? Perhaps you’re a company that sells eco-friendly products, and your customers care deeply about sustainability. They might prefer emails that tell the story behind each product — where the materials come from, who made them, and the impact on the environment. In this case, a longer, more detailed email might perform better. By sticking strictly to the “short and sweet” best practice, you could miss the chance to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Embrace Inspiration and Creativity

Here’s where the magic happens. Instead of being confined by industry benchmarks and best practices, let them inspire you to think creatively. Use them as a launching pad for experimentation. What are some ideas you’ve always wanted to try but held back because they didn’t fit the standard mold? This is your chance to innovate.

Nowadays, the end user receives thousands of emails a week in addition to other channels like push notifications. How can you cut through the noise by following best practices; by doing what everyone else does? Yours is just one of many messages that look and say the same and are sent at the same time. Easy to ignore by your users.

Maybe you’ve thought about sending a series of emails that gradually reveal a story. Or perhaps you’ve considered using a completely new tone or style in your messaging. Maybe there’s a new feature or product you want to introduce in a way that’s never been done before. These ideas might not align with what’s typically done in your industry, but that’s exactly why they could work.

When you step outside the boundaries of benchmarks and best practices, you open yourself up to the possibility of discovering what truly resonates with your audience. And when you find that sweet spot — where your creativity meets your customers’ preferences — that’s when you create something special. Something that not only performs well but also sets you apart from the competition.

Be brave. Go beyond standards. Be bold.

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