
Understanding Aampe: A High-Level Overview

In today's data-driven world, businesses have access to an abundance of valuable data generated by their users' interactions with their apps or websites. However, translating this data into actionable insights and optimizing business processes can be a complex and time-consuming task. That's where Aampe comes in. Aampe is a comprehensive platform that enables businesses to leverage their event data effectively, set objectives, automate messaging strategies, and improve their overall performance.

In this article, we will take a high-level overview of the major components and benefits of the Aampe system.

Leveraging Event Data

Aampe allows businesses to interface more fully with their event data, which includes all the user interactions and activities recorded within their app or website. By analyzing this rich and extensive data, businesses can gain valuable insights into user behavior, preferences, and patterns. However, the challenge lies in making this data accessible and usable for business purposes. Aampe solves this problem by sitting on top of the event stream and providing an interface for businesses to extract insights from their data easily.

Objectives and Modeling

Once the event data is available, Aampe enables business stakeholders to set objectives within the system. These objectives could range from simple ones like purchases or clicks to more complex ones like funnel events or retention. Aampe takes this objective information and models surrogates for them based on the event data. It identifies events that tend to co-occur with the objectives, even if they are not explicitly labeled, and uses this information to make informed decisions about user behavior.

Triggers and Constraints

Aampe allows businesses to set triggers and constraints for their messaging strategies. Triggers are events or contextual information that prompt a message to be sent to a user. For example, an abandoned cart or a specific user action could trigger a personalized message. Constraints, on the other hand, set limits on the number or frequency of messages sent to a user. For instance, Aampe can cap the number of abandoned cart messages a user receives within a specific time frame. These triggers and constraints help businesses coordinate their messaging priorities and ensure they do not overwhelm users with excessive messages.

Tethering Event and CRM Data

In addition to leveraging event data, Aampe enables businesses to connect their event data with customer relationship management (CRM) data. This integration allows businesses to generate audience segments based on user attributes or actions and gain a deeper understanding of their customers. Aampe reduces the high-dimensionality of event data and summarizes it into behavior profiles that can be used for modeling and analysis. The system also matches users with control users based on similar behavioral baselines, creating a reliable basis for comparison and experimentation.

Individualization and Personalization

One of the key advantages of Aampe is its ability to provide individualized attention and messaging to each user. Each user is assigned an AI-driven agent that analyzes their behavior, preferences, and responses to different messages. By mapping CRM data to CMS data, Aampe enables personalized and targeted messaging based on inventory, product categories, and user preferences. The agents communicate with each other and share information, allowing for collaborative learning and continuous improvement in messaging strategies.

Decision-making and Optimization

While optimization is a common goal for businesses, it is essential to balance the potential benefits with potential risks. Aampe allows businesses to set their risk tolerance levels and provides mechanisms for decision-making. By estimating probability distributions and comparing user behavior with the baseline and target distributions, the system enables agents to make informed decisions about when, why, and how to message users. This optimization process takes into account both the likelihood of an action taking place and the system's ability to influence the user's behavior.

Benefits of Using Aampe

The benefits of using Aampe are substantial and have a direct impact on businesses' bottom line. Aampe has been proven to deliver significant improvements in engagement and revenue generation. By optimizing messaging timing and personalization, businesses can achieve higher visit and conversion rates, leading to increased revenues. Aampe also simplifies data science processes by automating data cleaning, report generation, and data analysis. This allows data science teams to focus on innovation and experimentation rather than repetitive tasks.

Case Studies

Several case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of Aampe in driving results for businesses.

eCommerce Engagement and Revenue

In a benchmark test conducted with an e-commerce platform, Aampe outperformed legacy systems in terms of visit rates and revenue generation. The system consistently delivered higher conversion rates compared to manual processes.

For this test, our customer set up timing and copy optimization through the Aampe system, but they kept a portion of their users on their legacy system, Braze (labeled with "Manual," above).

During the test, both systems messaged about nine different categories, ranging from electronics to clothing and beauty. These first two columns were the visit rate (the percentage of users who were messaged who came to the app within 12 hours of being messaged), and the blue numbers are the ones that won.

From that data it appears to be a mixed bag — in some categories, Aampe did better, but in other categories, the manual process did better.

However, if you look at the second two columns, that shows the baseline rate (what the app would have seen if they hadn't sent a message). As you can see, the baselines for the "Manual/Braze" group was consistently higher.

So, when we adjusted for baseline (comparing our value above baseline to the manual processes value above baseline) Aampe won in almost every single case except for one product category, in which case we were half a percent lower.

What happens when you turn Aampe off?

We also had another instance where a customer turned Aampe off as part of a cost cutting measure.

When their revenue dropped by almost 10% in less than a month, they quickly turned Aampe back on:


In conclusion, Aampe is a robust platform that streamlines the process of leveraging event data, setting objectives, and optimizing messaging strategies. By facilitating data-driven decision-making and providing individualized attention to each user, Aampe empowers businesses to achieve higher engagement, conversion rates, and revenues. The platform also offers benefits to data science teams, reducing manual tasks and enabling innovation. With its proven track record and comprehensive features, Aampe is a valuable tool for businesses seeking to optimize their marketing efforts and drive meaningful results.

For more details and a step-by-step walkthrough, watch the video below:

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A detailed overview of the data pipelines, decision-making processes, and results of the Aampe system.

An overview of Aampe: AI-driven data and message orchestration for customer engagement

Understanding Aampe: A High-Level Overview

In today's data-driven world, businesses have access to an abundance of valuable data generated by their users' interactions with their apps or websites. However, translating this data into actionable insights and optimizing business processes can be a complex and time-consuming task. That's where Aampe comes in. Aampe is a comprehensive platform that enables businesses to leverage their event data effectively, set objectives, automate messaging strategies, and improve their overall performance.

In this article, we will take a high-level overview of the major components and benefits of the Aampe system.

Leveraging Event Data

Aampe allows businesses to interface more fully with their event data, which includes all the user interactions and activities recorded within their app or website. By analyzing this rich and extensive data, businesses can gain valuable insights into user behavior, preferences, and patterns. However, the challenge lies in making this data accessible and usable for business purposes. Aampe solves this problem by sitting on top of the event stream and providing an interface for businesses to extract insights from their data easily.

Objectives and Modeling

Once the event data is available, Aampe enables business stakeholders to set objectives within the system. These objectives could range from simple ones like purchases or clicks to more complex ones like funnel events or retention. Aampe takes this objective information and models surrogates for them based on the event data. It identifies events that tend to co-occur with the objectives, even if they are not explicitly labeled, and uses this information to make informed decisions about user behavior.

Triggers and Constraints

Aampe allows businesses to set triggers and constraints for their messaging strategies. Triggers are events or contextual information that prompt a message to be sent to a user. For example, an abandoned cart or a specific user action could trigger a personalized message. Constraints, on the other hand, set limits on the number or frequency of messages sent to a user. For instance, Aampe can cap the number of abandoned cart messages a user receives within a specific time frame. These triggers and constraints help businesses coordinate their messaging priorities and ensure they do not overwhelm users with excessive messages.

Tethering Event and CRM Data

In addition to leveraging event data, Aampe enables businesses to connect their event data with customer relationship management (CRM) data. This integration allows businesses to generate audience segments based on user attributes or actions and gain a deeper understanding of their customers. Aampe reduces the high-dimensionality of event data and summarizes it into behavior profiles that can be used for modeling and analysis. The system also matches users with control users based on similar behavioral baselines, creating a reliable basis for comparison and experimentation.

Individualization and Personalization

One of the key advantages of Aampe is its ability to provide individualized attention and messaging to each user. Each user is assigned an AI-driven agent that analyzes their behavior, preferences, and responses to different messages. By mapping CRM data to CMS data, Aampe enables personalized and targeted messaging based on inventory, product categories, and user preferences. The agents communicate with each other and share information, allowing for collaborative learning and continuous improvement in messaging strategies.

Decision-making and Optimization

While optimization is a common goal for businesses, it is essential to balance the potential benefits with potential risks. Aampe allows businesses to set their risk tolerance levels and provides mechanisms for decision-making. By estimating probability distributions and comparing user behavior with the baseline and target distributions, the system enables agents to make informed decisions about when, why, and how to message users. This optimization process takes into account both the likelihood of an action taking place and the system's ability to influence the user's behavior.

Benefits of Using Aampe

The benefits of using Aampe are substantial and have a direct impact on businesses' bottom line. Aampe has been proven to deliver significant improvements in engagement and revenue generation. By optimizing messaging timing and personalization, businesses can achieve higher visit and conversion rates, leading to increased revenues. Aampe also simplifies data science processes by automating data cleaning, report generation, and data analysis. This allows data science teams to focus on innovation and experimentation rather than repetitive tasks.

Case Studies

Several case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of Aampe in driving results for businesses.

eCommerce Engagement and Revenue

In a benchmark test conducted with an e-commerce platform, Aampe outperformed legacy systems in terms of visit rates and revenue generation. The system consistently delivered higher conversion rates compared to manual processes.

For this test, our customer set up timing and copy optimization through the Aampe system, but they kept a portion of their users on their legacy system, Braze (labeled with "Manual," above).

During the test, both systems messaged about nine different categories, ranging from electronics to clothing and beauty. These first two columns were the visit rate (the percentage of users who were messaged who came to the app within 12 hours of being messaged), and the blue numbers are the ones that won.

From that data it appears to be a mixed bag — in some categories, Aampe did better, but in other categories, the manual process did better.

However, if you look at the second two columns, that shows the baseline rate (what the app would have seen if they hadn't sent a message). As you can see, the baselines for the "Manual/Braze" group was consistently higher.

So, when we adjusted for baseline (comparing our value above baseline to the manual processes value above baseline) Aampe won in almost every single case except for one product category, in which case we were half a percent lower.

What happens when you turn Aampe off?

We also had another instance where a customer turned Aampe off as part of a cost cutting measure.

When their revenue dropped by almost 10% in less than a month, they quickly turned Aampe back on:


In conclusion, Aampe is a robust platform that streamlines the process of leveraging event data, setting objectives, and optimizing messaging strategies. By facilitating data-driven decision-making and providing individualized attention to each user, Aampe empowers businesses to achieve higher engagement, conversion rates, and revenues. The platform also offers benefits to data science teams, reducing manual tasks and enabling innovation. With its proven track record and comprehensive features, Aampe is a valuable tool for businesses seeking to optimize their marketing efforts and drive meaningful results.

For more details and a step-by-step walkthrough, watch the video below:

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